Solar Business Content Strategies help you get back in the saddle with E-E-A-T Content and Solar Marketing.
You see, the backbone of an authoritative solar website goes down to your content. Are you positive about turning your website visits into paying customers? Take a deep dive into the topic. Read our instructional guide “How to Curate E-E-A-T Solar SEO Content That Ranks on Google!“
The acronym “E-E-A-T” stands for:
- Experience
- Expertise
- Authoritativeness
- Trustworthiness
In this article, we will help you explore impactful solar topics.
Building content quality on the solar topics can help you fetch massive website traffic.
Let’s go!
Prioritize Solar Business Content
When it comes to promotional activities, solar business content strategies are your breakthrough point.
Previously, we’ve discussed the process of how to get leads by using Facebook as a Solar Network. If your goal is find people actively looking for solar services, content can really be enough sometimes. Since these individuals looking for solar solutions are already onboard with the solar movement, the chances of conversions increase.
On the other hand, if you want to attract new customers, you must build content-rich social networks and website. Solar business content strategies allow you to change the minds of those who have not even considered getting themselves solar panels.
That’s another great opportunity right there!
So plan your website content and Facebook Social Posts.
For a solar company, there can be two main goals for the content strategy:
- Establish your business name as a Solar Expert.
- Stand out as a neighborly Solar Business in your area.
So let’s start by looking at the basis of content for an expert business.
First, clearly distinguish between three major types of solar content.
One— economical topics; Second— environmental topics; and Third— neighbourly events.
While working on your content, you must clearly differentiate between the topics.
The Economical Solar Business Content

Before adopting this strategy, ensure that the community you want to provide services for fit the description.
It makes sense that places with the highest electricity bill-to-income ratio would be more prone to go solar. However, how do you obtain this information? Well, if you are already a local entrepreneur, you probably already have an idea of that ratio. Overlooking basic research could be a mistake.
If you are an established company looking for an opportunity to enter a local market, it is essential to have accurate statistics. This helps to back up your decision-making. The best source for this kind of information are national, state, and public agencies in the energy sector. For example, Energy Information Administration.
The EIA is a U.S. government agency responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating energy information.
It gives businesses a good idea of the electricity costs in your area.
When it comes to data, make sure that you don’t stay in your own bubble.
Your and your friends and relatives lifestyle that may undesirably affect your view of the situation. So always use reliable data. Among other things, you can find Average Monthly Residential Bill Data PDF as well. A similar approach can be used to get information on the average earnings of people in your neighborhood.
With a strong hold of economical data, you can assert dominance in your niche with Solar Business Content.
Address Misconceptions About Solar Energy

Once you are sure that economical incentive will work for your potential customers,
It’s time to confront three major misconceptions:
- Solar energy is expensive.
- Solar energy is unreliable.
- Solar energy is a craze.
To tackle these misconceptions, you should create posts about the prices of solar energy as shown in the illustration.
You can also create content about how much electricity costs have increased in the past years and how unlikely they will go down in the near future. It’s great if you can find people who have already installed solar panels willing to tell their story and how much they have saved by now. A combination of testimonials and data usually works great.
— Try to shift focus from the cost of solar panels to the savings one can make from having them.
So, what format of content should you choose for these topics?
Create quality videos and articles with many graphs and images. Remember that this content is supposed to establish you as an expert. That means that your website’s visitors should see that you are more than a contractor installing solar panels.
Your product is more than just equipment: it is the way to save money and control your costs.
By creating original and valuable content, you will boost the Solar SEO of your site.
When other blogs or companies find your materials useful, they may use linking to your website.
All this dramatically increases your website authority in the eyes of the search engines like Google.
The Environmental Cause Content on Solar
The ‘Green’ Cause
Now let’s take a look at the content from a more belief-based approach. It is mainly concerned with the environmental cause. Again, you need to decide whether this kind of targeting will work on people in your area. You can use various sources, most common among which can be think tanks and universities.
You can also find charts and maps to break down how much people from different areas in the U.S. are concerned with ecology. It doesn’t make sense to do an uphill battle if you know that most people who could become your customers in your neighborhood deny the cause. Insisting on it might actually alienate them. And, again, don’t forget about the dangers of the “social bubble” as we discussed previously.
Always base your approach on both your own experience and reliable data.
What kind of strategy should you take on once you decide that the ‘green’ cause is justifiable for your area? Similarly to the economical content, you should focus on conventional energy supplies as much as renewable ones. Every article, video, or chart must show the dangers of fossil energy. Of course, the ratio between solar-related content and fossil fuel criticism should favor the former. However, even when talking about solar panels, it’s best if you have comparisons of the carbon footprint between fossil fuels and panels.
Another thing that you should not overlook is the talks and presentations by the environmental pundits on the agenda. The topic is so vast and hot right now, that finding new content on a daily basis isn’t an issue.
Moreover, don’t hesitate to put links to other reliable sources.
Link Building improves your Solar Website rating and is part of SEO.
The ‘Off-Grid’ Cause
You might be surprised, how many people still claim solar energy is a trend or even a fraud.
And that even though solar panels have provided millions of people worldwide with safe and stable energy for years. So how do you battle such prejudice? Coincidentally, many solar skeptics also strive to be more independent. They put special value into providing for oneself with one’s own means. Create solar content, articles and video clips showing people how to obtain solar power. This will allow them to gain more independence. It also changes their perception of renewable energy as something that appeals to their values.
Whether you focus on the economical or environmental effect, the type of content will be similar. Use graphs, charts, presentations, videos, articles, and lectures. The goal here is to make solar panels part of their world.
Backed with relevant metrics, you can establish yourself as a knowledgeable and reliable solar guide.
Create Neighborly Content

Creating a ‘neighborly’ touch within your solar content calls for a different approach.
Here you need to focus on two things: photos and videos of your actual projects.
This must be recorded in the area where your business is currently located, and your in-community presence.
The perfect neighbor business page has some of the following elements:
- Photos from local solar events in the area
- Photos of your employees showing the product
- Seminars where you explain about solar energy
- Holding competitions for local kids in the area.
It does take some resources and time, however, the payback is that you get new customers.
This is what makes it difficult for any other solar company to compete with you.

So, let us sum up…
Your website or social network group can use three strategies simultaneously:
- Economical Content
- Value-Based Content (Green or Off-Grid)
- Neighborly Content
This means that you will never be stuck in search of ideas for new content and try to appeal to future customers from different sides. Also, while doing that, your website inevitably will rank higher due to more quality content and links leading to and from your website.
All of this might seem overwhelming. Unfortunately, some business owners underestimate the importance of good content management and end up having a website and social media accounts serving merely as a signboard – if someone is looking for your business, it’ll help them find you. However, it is otherwise useless. As a business owner of a solar company, you must already be quite involved in all of these topics; the only difference is to start sharing information you already consume.
Of course, it’s better to create content of your own, and this can take some of your precious time. However, it’s great if you manage to do it.

Tailored Solar Business Content Strategies can bring explosive traffic to your solar website.
We highly-recommend delegating niche-specific content creation tasks to a specialist. If you want to freely focus on your business, then get professional assistance from a solar marketing company. Make sure that they understand their industry and solar energy topic just as you are.
Make sure that your website content is topical and well-crafted. That’s what acts as a funnel for customers!
Get in touch with our marketing professionals for Niche Solar Content Marketing Solutions.
Call at +1 323 285 2811 or drop us an email at
Enrich your website and social network pages with great solar content.