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Solar Facebook Ads: How to Use Facebook as an Ad Platform?


Solar Facebook Ads: How to Use Facebook as an Ad Platform?

Solar Facebook Ads Overview

Facebook has proven itself as an indispensable promotion tool for Solar Businesses, especially those working locally. There are many reasons why Facebook (now called Meta) is a great tool for businesses. It allows you to meticulously set the audience for your Solar Facebook Ads. This offers solar companies a great variety of customer personas and characteristics to filter out their audience. Facebook offers brilliant location based targeting options that help in running the Best Solar Facebook Ads. If you need more time or money for proper market research, it will help you with better targeting.

The best part is that Solar Facebook Ads have a great diversity of formats.

Solar Companies can run ads with photos, videos, stories, and more. Besides choosing types of ads and audiences, the objective is also adjustable. You can have a direct call-to-action type of Solar Facebook Ads aimed at generating leads.

On the other hand, Facebook Ads can also be run to grow your Facebook business page and give it a boost.

Facebook allows you to find just the right option for your business strategy.

Alongside all the flexible options, you get a comprehensive set of tools to analyze, compare and even predict the performances of your ads. Even if you are not the one running the Facebook ads, it will always be easy to analyze the results. With Facebook Ads Analytics Reports, you can scan if the marketing department is performing as per the business goals.

Start off right with Solar Facebook Ads

Let’s see which steps you should take to get leads through Solar Facebook Ads. You should consider setting up your ads accordingly due to the twofold nature of the Solar Industry. First, saving on utility costs and the second, helping the environment.

As Solar Business, here’s what you need to decide.

Solar Facebook Marketing Agenda #1: 

What would people be most concerned within your area: money savings or the green earth?

Solar Facebook Marketing Agenda #2:

If your area has both kinds of people, which group will your current Solar Ad Campaign target?

Once these questions are answered, we can move on to create the solar ad itself. 

Find ‘Ads Manager’ on the left or the Meta Ads Manager. Here’s what you’re going to see when creating your Ad Account.

Facebook Ads Account Setup for Solar Ads

After filling in your details for creating an Ad Account, push the “Create” button.

Now, it might get a little tricky. Of course, you want to run Facebook Ads for Solar Leads. Gaining leads allow you to get email addresses, phone numbers of potential customers and more. However, in this case, Facebook’s Opt-in form will be provided to you. It frequently proves to be less effective than personalized forms on websites like Typeform or ClickFunnels. 

To be particular, set the goal of the Solar Facebook Ads to “Leads” if you don’t feel like creating and learning how to use customized opt-in forms. Choose the Sales option if you’re willing to spend. 

Nevertheless, if you’re willing to put in more time learning and putting up your opt-in page.

Once you have chosen the type of your ad, you’ll see this page:

Setting Up Solar Facebook Ads

Setting up New Ad Campaign for Solar Ads

Here the only thing you have to do is to choose a name for your ad campaign. Solar Business is not part of the Special Ad Categories, so there’s no need to worry about that section. Once you’ve gained some experience with running Solar Facebook Ads, it is best to do A/B testing.

A/B testing your Solar Facebook Ads can compare the efficiency of different variations of your ads. This is done by changing and contrasting them in different ways. Once you’ve chosen the name, click the ‘Next’ button.

We will follow the easier path with the “Leads” type of Solar Facebook Ads. Here we can choose whether we will use Facebook’s opt-in form (Instant forms) or other means of funneling our customers. 

Now let’s scroll down.

Setting up Ad Budget for Solar Ads

The next step is to set the budget for your ads. Set the average you are ready to spend daily. Remember that this will be your “daily ad spend.”

If you set $5 daily, you might spend up to $6.25 on every single day. Over the week, the cap will be $35. It’s best to start with little amounts and check the ad performance. We suggest solar businesses not go all in without an expert. Solar SEO offers expert solutions to help you run your Solar Facebook Ads Campaign in the most profitable way.  

Targeting Your Solar Facebook Ads Audience

Creating Lookalike Audience for Solar Ads

It’s time to decide the type of audience you’d like to target. One cool Facebook feature to help you with this process is Lookalike Audience. This service allows you to choose your own or another Facebook Group given that the number of members must be at least a hundred. For this, you have to tell Facebook the preferred audience types to be channeled to you. Hence, you can eliminate the audiences you don’t want to approach. 

Another important aspect of your future clients is their location. The smallest allowed radius for a city is ten miles. This is quite large, even for a huge city as Los Angeles. For many solar businesses, it is too much. The life hack here is to give your Solar Facebook Ads an address, this way, you can go as precise as one mile in your leads search. 

Once you have set the location, there are a few more things to do in choosing your audience. While using Facebook as an Ads Platform, you can choose particular audience with specific demographics such as:

  • Interests
  • Age Group
  • Gender

You need to be careful while choosing. Check the estimated number of leads on the left side of the website when choosing demographics. Common sense is the key here. You wouldn’t expect young teens who are not homeowners to install solar panels right? So choose the appropriate age and interests for your audience. 

It is often a good idea to talk to clients you already have to get a better understanding of a solar power enthusiast in your area. Some people are motivated by an opportunity to cut their utility bills and some are all about saving the environment. 

Another important thing to keep in mind is that Facebook has its own set of algorithms. These algorithms allow the right audience to see your Solar Ads. So keep that in mind as well. When all this is done, click the Next button, and you are in the final stage of creating your own Facebook Ads for Solar Leads. 

This stage will include creating the ad itself. You will need to choose the place your ad should appear such as Facebook or Instagram Feed, Marketplace, etc. You will also choose the format of the ad such as a post, video, or carousel. Add all the necessary content and the call to action. 

If you don’t have an opt-in form, create a Facebook opt-in form by putting in the question you have for your future clients. It is beneficial for understanding the audience.

Run the Best Solar Facebook Ads

Facebook is an incredible platform both as a Social Network and an Ad Platform. Carry out marketing for your Solar Company on Facebook and gain leads. Focus on making your clients happy. If you are interested in knowing more, then read our guide on How to generate solar leads with Facebook as a social network. 

You can also seek professional help from Solar Facebook Ads Specialists, by getting in touch with We provide a comprehensive set of digital marketing services to solar companies. Running the Best Solar Facebook Ads is just one of them!

We scale up our client’s solar company to be more noticeable as a solar power business in their area. Call us at +1 323 285 2811 or say hi to us at 

Authored By Roman Gorski

Authored By Roman Gorski

"Turning visionary business strategies into robust website performance and top-tier positioning."

Starting in 2011, Roman Gorski embarked on a journey into the world of SEO. Over 12 years later, his expertise in Solar SEO remains unsurpassed, proving his deep-rooted understanding of the digital marketing landscape.

Beyond mastering the ever-evolving Google Updates and SEO protocols, Roman has an undisputed knack for providing specialized digital marketing solutions to the solar industry. This unique focus empowers businesses within the solar niche to shine brighter in the digital cosmos.

When he's not mapping out the next SEO strategy, Roman unwinds by catching up on his favorite TV shows or enjoying good food and great company with friends.