When solar content doesn’t work
If you think about it, everything online is some sort of content. And content is also the main thing that defines whether your solar company’s website will do well. There is nothing as sustainable and robust as solar companies content optimization. It works as a magnet for your potential audience. This is a common truth, and naturally, you are already working on your content about solar panels or something related.
Considering that you are reading this article, you must have noticed that it is not bringing the desired results.

So what could be the reason for that?
One more thing to keep in mind: we will look at the content that used to do well but doesn’t anymore and the new content that you had high hopes for but just doesn’t seem to be gaining you as many visitors.
When keywords are the key problem
Wrong keywords

First of all, let’s take a look at the problems caused by problems with keyword research.
You need to understand which keywords the particular article or video is aiming for; if it is you who is dealing with all the SEO work, then you already know that. Otherwise, just ask the person or team responsible for such a report. Once you understand this, you can see for yourself how high your site ranks for these particular keywords.
If the website ranks relatively high (on the first SERP or even in the top ten), then the issue is not in the content. You need to analyze visitors’ behavior on your website to see their journey. There, you will either discover the problem, or (the site seems to be working just fine), the problem could be in the keywords chosen for ranking: You might want to reevaluate your keyword research and find out which other words are more likely to entice your potential visitors and lead to decent conversions.
Long-tail keywords

Now, if the problem IS indeed ranking, what can you do then?
Well, first of all, you will have to analyze how high the competition is on those particular keywords. Those words might be out of the league just for now. Check other solar websites ranking higher than you are: if those are big corporations, government agencies, or well-established businesses that work in the industry of renewable energy, it might be more sensible to prioritize your keywords differently and go for long-tail keywords. Yes, it would take longer to figure out the exact long-tail keywords that will work well for your solar business. But besides getting shot at ranking high on such words, you will increase your chances of visitor conversion. Well filtered long-tail keywords sometimes might give you as high as 70% of all the leads generated.
Check out Top 100 Solar SEO Keywords on Google
Content optimization

However, sometimes the keywords have been picked just right.
There seems to be no serious competition for them, yet, you still feel that your content is under-performing. What could be the problem here? Well, in this case, it is more likely to be the problem with the content itself. And yet again, there can be two possibilities:
- either the articles and other content is not organized and optimized for SEO purposes
- The content is either outdated or simply not engaging enough to the readers.
Let’s first take a look at the first case.
How can you be sure that, for example, text on your site is well-optimized to rank high on a particular keyword? Isn’t the fact that the text is generally about it enough? Unfortunately — NO. You see, Google’s crawler program is, indeed, a robot, and it can’t always understand properly what the real keywords are behind the text. So you need to nudge it a little in the right direction. Primarily, it is done by organizing your headline and tag structure properly.
Make sure the keyword is present in every H1 headline, some of the H2 and H3 headlines (if they have those). Moreover, generally spread out your keywords throughout the article. But it’s important not to overdo it since Google tries to penalize overusing of keywords.
Here’s an informative video on some of the best ways to optimize underperforming Solar content on your website.
Don’t forget to include illustrations and provide them with ALT tags with your keywords.
This will explain to Google that your article is more valuable for a potential reader and that the images used are relevant.
Organization of content is generally a big issue, especially when business owners are doing it themselves: you are certainly a pro in the field of renewable energy and solar panel installation but not necessarily in organizing text in a way that would both benefit the reader and your rankings.
A bit similar thing can be said about meta descriptions and heading. You should think carefully about what a potential reader will see on the search engine result page and what should make them visit your website and, when they are there – read your article. Always check how you actually see your site on SERP and ask yourself a question.
Would I click on that if I was searching for the keyword?
And when you have the article in front of you, try and skim quickly through it. Does the heading give a good idea of what that text is about? Are they catchy enough to go deeper into actually reading them? Always imagine yourself as a new visitor to your website.
Revitalizing your old content
Possible issues with your old content

Now, all of the aforementioned things we have been talking about are applicable to the new content that you have spent your time, efforts, or money on, and its ROI is regrettable. But what about the content that used to work great and suddenly stopped?
What could possibly go wrong there, and what can be done?
Ethical SEO Practices

Well, there can be a few issues.
First of all, your content might be getting penalized by search engines because of changed rules or improved technology. You see, if the original content was created in violation of Google (or another search engine) requirements for the content, it could work at the time of creation because the search engine’s software wasn’t clever enough to recognize the violation.
This means that you either have to reassess the content and decide whether it is recoverable. Or decide if it would be easier to just scratch it all down and create something new. Usually, when the content was created solely to dupe the system, it is easier to get rid of it altogether.
However, sometimes certain practices can be fairly common and be considered “ethical,” yet, as time goes by, they might start getting seen as somewhat shady and penalized. Nevertheless, such content usually has a lot of valuable information, and it is easier to simply adapt it to the new rules.
Dust off your old content

And, finally, the very information you have in your articles can become outdated. Graphs, charts, and statistics tend to become irrelevant very quickly, and even when they are still relevant, the reader might still assume that it is too old and depart from your website in search of fresher information.
That’s why it’s important to keep your content updated. If you have some statistics taken from a government agency, the chances are that they have had a few updates since the last time and would be easy to update. As said before, certain data doesn’t change that quickly, so in this case, it would be wise to add something recent, something that would show your visitors that even though there are less new data, the article altogether is new and that they can trust it.
Don’t forget that we are all prone to being subjective, so ensure that the information on your website is not just relevant, but it seems that way.
Making your content work

As you can see, poor performance can have very different reasons.
Sometimes it is a small fix that can overturn the situation, and sometimes a whole overhaul of the content strategy is needed.
Our general recommendation to solar business owners who contact us concerned with their content’s performance is, first of all, to gather all the data possible about the SEO work done on the website and analyze the competitors who rank better for the same keywords better. Sometimes it is enough to get the general impression of what should be done differently.
Professional Solar SEO Services

If the issue lies deeper or you, as a business owner, simply don’t have time to go through the latest Google updates on SEO, it is a good idea to ask for help. A comparative analysis of your rivals and keyword research in general are important.
And it is important to get help from a company that specializes in the solar energy business.
Solar-SEO.com is one such company. Naturally, every single employee on our team has extensive experience in internet marketing and is a professional in their field. What is also crucial is that for the past several years, we have been working in the solar energy industry, and we know what kind of content works the best and how to create it. Another important thing is that we only employ 100% ethical practices to ensure that the money you pay for our services now will keep working in the form of well-crafted content for a long time.
If you have any questions regarding the possible problems with content on your website or simply want to have your solar website to be optimized for high ranking on search engines and an organic and dependable flow of clients online, get in touch with us, at +1 323 285 2811 or care@solar-seo.com.
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