Overview on How to Get Solar Leads
Solar panels are becoming more and more mainstream. The turbulent times full of climate change concerns, wars, and inflation seem to be changing the tide. Since you are already reading this article, it’s safe to say that you want to understand how to get solar leads for your business.
Whether you run a solar energy business or simply consider getting into the industry.
With quality Solar PPC Campaigns and solar lead generation is expected to experience a big boom in upcoming years.
The Challenges in Solar Lead Generation: Industry Trends
Solar Panel Businesses experience despair when competing for solar leads.
It seems that everyone else in the field is succeeding but them. You see, there is a mistaken belief about the flourishing market for green renewable energy and solar panels. Yes it is a big market, but customers do not flock to solar business websites as soon as it goes live! However, the outcome is different when businesses actually plan on how to get solar leads.
Whether you run a solar energy business or simply consider getting into the industry, the heyday of solar energy isn’t too far away!
A thriving industry does not only imply an increasing number of customers. It rather reflects an increase in the numbers of existing competitors. What exactly does that mean then? Should you simply give up on solar lead generation because of the rising competition? Of course not!
The only thing you need is to have an awareness that your company is just one of many solar enterprises operating in the industry. Due to this, you will need to develop a method for determining the factors that motivate customers to choose your business. You also need to work on, as well as the means through which customers will learn about these aspects.
The Solution: Best Way to Get Solar Leads
The question now is, where should you begin with solar lead generation?
Firstly, you have to understand that people choose you because you are unique in some way. Secondly, people choose you because they trust you and your experience. The best way to get solar leads stem from these two reasons. Depending on how well you present your Solar Company on the internet can bring you quality leads.
If you already have an answer to the first question, you may skip through to the second one, which concerns how you should communicate. Just focus on your uniqueness and know your USPs well.
DIY is not the best way to get solar leads in 2023.
Customers can not rely on websites that look unprofessional.
Based on your solar services and USPs, a quality Solar SEO Agency helps you present yourself on the internet as an expert. This will ensure that you gain maximum solar lead generation.
Know Your Audience
Understanding your potential customers is highly crucial in 2023.
If you want to know how to generate leads for solar sales, there are a few services online that can help you with solar lead generation. One among such tools is Audience Insights by Meta.
Once you understand the values of your potential customers, you can start working on establishing your presence. The key to this process is to understand your audience.
The nature of solar can be seen differently as a way to:
- Help the environment
- Save finances
- Gain energy independence
- Change the community
How To Get Solar Leads With Content Optimization
Solar Content is king!
Craft a well-thought-out content strategy that aligns with your audience and keywords.
Regularly update your content to keep your audience engaged and search engines happy. It is time to start working on your content strategy, and the best time to do so is now. Oh, and don’t forget to include those carefully chosen keywords in every piece!
Prioritize Keyword Optimized Solar Content
You will need to extract the so-called “keywords” from interests in order to generate leads using numerous ways explained further in the article. Even though SEO is where the phrase “keyword” is most commonly used, understanding how to utilize them effectively is essential to ensuring that your content strategy adheres to your objectives.
Include targeted keywords in each and every piece of content that you create and publish.
Now in terms of the content, majority of solar firms have the following elements on their website:
- Articles
- Infographics
- Videos
- Photos
The particular kinds of these materials that you utilize will be decided by the keywords and values that you pick.
Regardless of the type of content you decide to concentrate on, you will need to ensure that it is both relevant and regularly updated. This is because both visitors to your website and search engines find an absence of content updates to be disturbing.
This can reduce trust in your company.
Who Can Do Your Solar Content Best?
One of the most important questions that frequently comes up is, “Who should make content?”
If you are someone who is enthusiastic about the company, then you are the ideal candidate to work on the content part of the project. Time is the main factor to consider here. Even if one is extremely well-versed in the subject matter, the amount of work that is required to write articles, shoot videos, and edit those videos can be staggering.
It is only logical that you should next think about the possibility of delegating the content component to somebody else, such as an employee or a Solar SEO marketing agency.
Now there are two problems with this:
- First, it can be expensive.
- Second, quality material.
When it comes to Solar SEO Agencies, you need to be cautious to select one that both specializes in the solar business and has a significant amount of expertise in internet marketing. This is especially important when it comes to choosing a solar marketing agency. Both problems will be solved by hiring an internet marketing agency that specializes in working with solar companies. Such agencies create complex plans that involve content production.
In addition, the material that they write is tuned finely to the requirements of your clients because such agencies have worked with solar companies and have the time to understand the market properly.
How to Get Solar Leads and Advertise Content?
As soon as you have a comprehensive content plan, complete with a list of keywords, subjects, different types of material, and a timetable for updates, you can begin creating the content. Now that you are in possession of the message, it is time to go on to the next step of getting yourself leads.
It’s the delivery of your message.
Social networking sites and internet search engines are the two most important channels that customers use to gather information about businesses in the modern day.
The Best Way to Get Solar Leads: Paid Ads

It makes sense to start with paid ads both on social media and search engines (Google, in particular) for targeting the audience faster. If you followed the previous steps, you already have a good idea of the target audience and the keywords they will use in the search bar. After the right Paid Media Ads, you need them to go through the website of your solar company. And that’s all. It is simply the best way to get solar leads.
In a nutshell, properly Set up your Facebook Ads Campaign, Google, Twitter, and other platforms.
Your paid ads used by new businesses are a nice tool to get solar leads faster.
However, they quickly exhaust themselves and become gradually more expensive in terms of ROI instrument to employ. After a while, even paid ads require finer research and tuning to make financial sense. You can read more about paid ads in our article.
Ways to Get Solar Leads Organically
How to Get Solar Leads on Social Networks?
The long-term and sustainable way of getting yourself leads is organic promotion through SEO and social media. And again, if your content strategy is set and fruitful, you can consider how the work is done. It is especially true for social networks: posting appropriate information will create a community of mind-alike people around your company: the algorithms running social networks are tailored to do exactly that.
Another thing to consider here is the choice of networks: Facebook for middle-aged people and onwards.
On the other hand, Twitter and Instagram are best for younger audiences, and so on.
You will also have to take up community management. As long as it is aligned with your core values, it should not pose any real difficulty. It might bite off a part of your precious time. Social media promotion is an essential part of ensuring that your solar company will always have leads.
How to Get Solar Leads With SEO?
Now Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a bit more complex.
It requires your website’s technical and visual parts to be in tune with your core values and a high authority given to you by search engines which, besides content, unusually requires link building as well. In a perfect world, it happens automatically when your content is so good that other topical sites start quoting you. In real life, link building is an intricate and thorough process virtually only possible with a professional SEO agency.
However, it is a great SEO that ensures the highest quality leads because it brings you, people who have already typed in something that you have in store, be it the immediate purchase of a solar panel system or just some information for now.
To find out more, check out our article on Know-Hows for Solar SEO Strategy.
When you have both value and promotion parts figured out, there is no stopping your business.
Your main enemy here becomes time; all the methods described here, when performed by non-professionals in internet marketing, will bear results only temporarily. To ensure that these lead funnels only grow with time, make sure to partner with Solar-SEO.com– an internet marketing agency specializing in the solar market.
From solar website SEO specialists to social network promotion, and other holistic marketing instruments. We offer tailor-made marketing solutions to solar businesses.
For years, Solar-SEO.com has been a trusted partner to countless clients within the solar industry.
We invite you to connect with us at +1 323 285 2811, or better yet, schedule a free strategy call.